Any of various often crested birds of the genera garrulus, cyanocitta, aphelocoma, and related genera within the family corvidae, often having a loud, harsh call. 松鸦一种常带有羽冠的鸦科松鸦、蓝松鸦、灌丛松鸦属鸟类,经常嘶哑地大声鸣叫。
And it would add another footnote to the legacy of the family Corvidae, which includes crows, ravens, jays and magpies. 而且,这将给鸦科鸟类(包括乌鸦、渡鸦、松鸦和喜鹊)原有的知识添加了新内容。
Any of more than 20 species of Black perching Birds ( see passerine) of the genus Corvus ( family Corvidae) that are smaller than most ravens and have a thinner Bill. 雀形目鸦科鸦属二十多种黑色鸣禽的俗称,比大多数渡鸦小,嘴也不那么厚实。